Transformational Project To Bring New Opportunities For Economic Growth, Tourism And Community Vitality To Kalamazoo Region

via – Michigan Business Network

An abandoned historic paper mill in the village of Vicksburg will be transformed into a mixed-use development with support from the Michigan Strategic Fund, the Michigan Economic Development Corporation announced today. The project received support through the Transformational Brownfield Plan program, a strategic effort designed to attract businesses and developers to invest in large, catalytic projects – and continue to attract residents to Michigan.

“The redevelopment of the Vicksburg paper mill into a dynamic, exciting multi-use development will bring the village of Vicksburg and the surrounding area to life, and represents exactly the type of development the Transformational Brownfield Plan program was intended for – supporting big-impact community revitalization projects around the state,” said Jeff Mason, CEO, Michigan Economic Development Corporation, which conducts due diligence and administers programs on behalf of the MSF.

“With today’s support, Paper City Development’s visionary project will give new life to a historic resource that has played a major role in the identity of the community throughout its history, and will serve to bring sustainable economic vibrancy to the area for years to come,” he said.

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